When each chakra is functioning normally it results in a happy, healthy, fully functioning person. There are so many situations where the chakras come into play, and life on the snow is no exception. Finding balance in the energy of each chakra can help you prepare for your next day on the slopes.

Unsure of what a chakra is? Simply put: they’re energy centers in the body that affect health and well-being. The 7 chakras have corresponding colors, emotions, intentions, organs, and spiritual states.

1st Chakra (Root or Muladhara)

The 1st chakra has to do with stability, security, and basic human nature. Survival instincts are closely linked to this energy center so it’s not surprising it can easily affect a day of shredding. The next time you’re on the mountain, it’s the strength of your root chakra that helps you conquer your fears.

What yoga poses to practice:

  • Mountain Pose (Tadasana)
  • Balancing Asana (Tree, Eagle, Dancer)

2nd Chakra (Sacral or Svadisthana)

Creative expression, emotional stability and abundance are key parts of this chakra. So what’s its connection to ripping it up on snow? If you’ve ever had a day on the hill that is less than perfect, it’s likely a good test of your 2nd chakra.  Finding bliss and gratitude even when the conditions aren’t ideal encourages this chakra into balance.

What yoga poses to practice:

  • Hip openers (butterfly, low lunge, pigeon)
  • Bridge pose

3rd Chakra (Navel or Manipura)

The 3rd chakra is home to your self-esteem, confidence, and personal power. On the slopes, this also has a strong connection to facing your fears. Additionally, it ties into that old saying “no friends on a powder day.” Being willing to share in your greatest triumphs and becoming more selfless will keep this chakra open.

What yoga poses to practice:

  • Boat pose
  • Twists

4th Chakra (Heart or Anahata)

Ahhh the heart chakra. Although it may seem like it’s only connected to love, it also has to do with relationships outside of romance and being empathetic. Welcoming joy, compassion and acceptance will also tap into this energetic space.

Planning to ski or snowboard with a friend who’s new to the sport? Develop patience and be compassionate; remember that everyone’s a newbie at some point.

What yoga poses to practice:

  • Backbends (cobra, fish, camel)
  • Yoga mudra

5th Chakra (Throat or Vishuddha)

Verbal expression and speaking your truth is a great way to connect with this energetic center. The next time you’re on the hill, be truthful with yourself about what your ability is that day. Recovering from an injury? Consider avoiding a day in the park or intense riding. Being honest with yourself is key to keeping this chakra open and healthy.

What yoga poses to practice:

  • Shoulder stand
  • Neck releases

6th Chakra (Third Eye or Ajna)

Intuition and wisdom lies at the heart of this chakra. Have a weird feeling about that tree run? Follow your intuition and those feelings that can’t be explained, there’s probably a reason for them.

What to practice:

  • Easy pose (seated)
  • Meditation

7th Chakra (Crown or Sahasrara)

Spiritual connection and enlightenment are part of finding balance in the 7th chakra. The role of the crown chakra is to unite you to your highest self, one that is blissful, and sees true happiness from within. The best way to express this is the indescribable feeling of peace on a powder day.

What yoga poses to practice:

  • Headstand
  • Savasana (corpse pose)